Wednesday, October 21, 2020

UK Official Passionately Rejects BLM Movement, Critical Race Theory

UK Official Passionately Rejects BLM Movement, Critical Race Theory
Brodigan - October 21, 2020 at 08:03AM

I don't begin to know the first thing about British government. So, I couldn't tell you who MP Kemi Badenoch is or what a women and equalities minister does. However I do know that she touches on a lot of issues we discuss here (see MUSEUM CRITICIZES WHITE PEOPLE FOR *CHECKS NOTES* INDIVIDUALISM, HAVING FAMILIES, AND WORK ETHIC and MORE BLM ACTIVISTS TERRORIZE MORE RESTAURANT GOERS: "F*** WHITE PEOPLE"). I'm also confident in saying that there aren't many elected officials in America who would have the stones to give this speech.

It is a political movement, and what would be nice, would be for members on the opposite side to condemn many of the actions that we see this political movement, instead of pretending that it is completely wholesome anti-racist organization. ... Let me be clear: Any school which teaches these elements of critical race theory as fact, or which promotes partisan political views such as defunding the police without offering a balanced treatment of opposing views, is breaking the law.

Critical race theory is used as leftists' get-out-of-reasoned-and-convincing-arguments-free card. If there is something they don't like or some law they want to change, they just claim it's based in racism. I may be be oversimplifying, but no more than someone who claims any disagreement you have with them makes you racist. It fuels most of what is called "cancel culture." It's behind a lot of mainstream media coverage. It's what's taught in college, and leftists would teach it in preschool if they could get away with it. It's all Marxist bullsh!t, used to control debate by delegitimizing you from even being allowed to debate in the first place.

It also gets in the way of rational people being able to have the important discussions about race that rational people agree we need to have. More public officials like MP Badenoch need to have the courage to call it out for what it is.

from Steven Crowder Says