Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Author Drops the Mother of All Rants Against Black Voters Blindly Supporting Biden

Author Drops the Mother of All Rants Against Black Voters Blindly Supporting Biden
Brodigan - October 20, 2020 at 12:05PM

I don't know much about Megan McGlover other than her bio says she's and author and a podcaster, and a non-political friend shared her video on Instagram. She could be MAGA. She could just be like most Americans and apolitically fed up with everyone fourteen days from Election Day. But she looked at the backlash Ice Cube was getting (see DID ICE CUBE REALLY WORK WITH DONALD TRUMP ON A 'BLACK AGENDA'? THE FACTS ... and DID ICE CUBE REALLY WORK WITH DONALD TRUMP ON A 'BLACK AGENDA'? THE FACTS ...) and asked a question. It was directed to black voters and black allies, but I think it's a great question for everyone to think about. What. Do. You. Want?

You can't take four more years [of Trump] but you can take forty-seven years of [Biden]?

She was speaking to African-American voters specifically, but all voters need to ask themselves the same question. I was thinking about this after Ben Shapiro brought up why he's voting for Trump this time. Three key points: 1. Trump's record, 2. Who Trump is as a person, 3. Fear over what the left has become. Most of us on the right agree with points one and three. As Guy Benson points out, the second point is where people have the biggest issue.

The second point is my one big hang-up too, so I understand others having a problem. Just my opinion, but I find Donald Trump is lacking in certain character and personality traits, to put it mildly. For me the vote is between Trump and Not Trump. In this instance, Not Trump has been in politics for forty-seven years and has a record of doing absolutely nothing. His biggest claim to fame is having Barack Obama be forced to pick him as his running mate because Russia invaded a foreign country that week, only to have Obama bench him from campaigning in 2012 and side with Hillary in 2016. Biden isn't a fresh face or a political outsider. He's a career politician in every sense of the word.

I get that there are a lot of reasons not to like Donald Trump personally. I agree with a lot of them. But Biden? It's not even a consideration. You see Donald Trump's record. His actual record, not the dumb thing he says that distracts from it. I can point to the economy, cutting regulations, the Supreme Court, national security, etc. What's the case for Joe Biden? Frame your answer in a way that doesn't include bashing Trump.

from Steven Crowder Says