Friday, October 30, 2020

Trump Flashback: Disrespecting, Walking Out on CNN Thirty Years Ago

Trump Flashback: Disrespecting, Walking Out on CNN Thirty Years Ago
Brodigan - October 30, 2020 at 12:02PM

Some videos really do speak for themselves. The narrative is Americans only started thinking the media sucks at life recently (see CNN'S JIM ACOSTA WHINES, SHARES VIDEO OF TRUMP SUPPORTERS REMINDING HIM HOW TERRIBLE HE IS and CNN ABSOLUTELY EMBARRASSES ITSELF WITH THIS CHYRON EXCUSING VIOLENT RIOTS IN KENOSHA), and that President Trump is to blame. When really, the media has sucked ass for at least thirty years. Don't believe me? Let's just ask private citizen Trump.

The embed may look a little jacked up, but just hit the play button and enjoy while I wrestle with the fact he's a year younger than I am in this video.

Ali vs. Fraiser. Yankees vs. Red Sox. Donald Trump vs. CNN. Some rivalries simply stand the test of time and span generations. Here's to thirty years of Donald Trump owning, dunking on, disrespecting, embarrassing, humiliating, and otherwise seeing that the network gets straight up bodied any chance he gets. Maybe he continue to do so for at least four more years.

EXIT QUESTION: Sound off in the comments with your favorite CNN fail. Mine was during the post-9/11 anthrax scare. Scott Ian, founder of the band Anthrax, joked that he was changing the band name to "Field of Fluffy Bunnies." CNN ran it as a chryon as if he was serious.

from Steven Crowder Says