Monday, October 26, 2020

Matthew McConaughey Exposes “Condescending” Anti-Christian Bias in Hollywood

Matthew McConaughey Exposes “Condescending” Anti-Christian Bias in Hollywood
Brodigan - October 26, 2020 at 12:49PM

I wanted to title this post Matthew McConaughey: Jesus Is Alright, Alright, Alright with Me, but it was too dependent on a 2020 audience knowing who or what the Doobie Brothers were. Google it. If a stoner ever uploads a video of him skateboarding to one of their songs on TikTok, the Doobies will be trendingAF.

Back to McConaughey, besides his acting, I've always appreciated who he is as a person. Even if he says something I disagree with, I respect his sincerity about it (see Matthew McConaughey Preaches Conservatism, Gets Standing O and MATTHEW MCCONAUGHEY FEARS #MARCHFOROURLIVES WILL GET 'HIJACKED'). That sincerity was on display in this Joe Rogan clip, talking about Christianity and Hollywood's intolerance of it. The video is timestamped, but start at 1:04:04ish.

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