Tuesday, October 20, 2020

MSNBC Gives Surprising Data Showing Donald Trump Can Shock in Pennsylvania

MSNBC Gives Surprising Data Showing Donald Trump Can Shock in Pennsylvania
Brodigan - October 20, 2020 at 01:51PM

There is no reason to believe that the public polls as they are being released aren't accurate based on what voters are telling pollsters. However, there are tons of intangibles, to where if you think Donald Trump can't pull off another upset, you're just a silly person. There's anecdotal evidence. There's also the boots on the ground work that the Trump campaign is doing a lot of and the Biden campaign only started worrying about recently, if at all. If the the door-to-door is on as point as Republicans say it is and if their registration efforts in other swing states mirror Pennsylvania, we could very well be looking at Trump Administration 2: Electric Boogaloo.

NOTE TO FACEBOOK "FACT" CHECKERS: "Electric Boogaloo" is an '80s reference that is commonly used when saying something is a sequel to something else and NOT a modern anarchist reference.

Joe's "Response" To Hunter Biden Laptop Story. Also, EvErYtHinG iS RusSiA! | Good Morning #MugClub youtu.be

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