Thursday, October 29, 2020

All Three Networks Agree: Donald Trump Led a Post Pandemic Economic Recovery

All Three Networks Agree: Donald Trump Led a Post Pandemic Economic Recovery
Brodigan - October 29, 2020 at 01:17PM

The biggest problem Democrats were going to have running against Donald Trump was the Trump economy. All of the ill-advised tweets in all the land weren't going to change the fact that the economy under Trump was, quite frankly, yuge (see JIM CRAMER: TRUMP'S ECONOMY "THE BEST NUMBERS OF OUR LIVES" and JOBS REPORT: MORE GREAT NEWS FOR AMERICA AND DONALD TRUMP). What dumb luck we'd have a global pandemic to tank the economy by "forcing" us to shut it down! Suddenly, nominating a vegetable like Joe Biden didn't matter. As long as the global pandemic shut down the economy, it would be smooth sailing for the Democrat nominee.

Until Thursday morning when the GDP numbers were released and saw the economy grew at over THIRTY-THREE PERCENT! How stunning was this? Cable news was forced to admit this was good for Trump.

Joe Scarborough was the most gracious, and took a break from saying that if Trump had his druthers, he'd kill reporters.

FBN’s Payne: “These Numbers Are Absolutely Remarkable”

And CNN tried has hard as they could to refocus everyone on the pandemic. Sure, 33.1% is good and all, but FEAR!

CNN’s Romans: “We Saw The Economy Snap Back 33.1% Annual Rate Of GDP Growth”

Politics and elections under Trump are anything but traditional, so take this next sentence for whatever it's worth. But traditionally, the last 72 hours before election day are the most important. That's when undecided voters become decided, and where stunning upsets start to percolate. Joe Biden just lost his biggest argument against Trump for those last 72 hours, a "tanking" economy. Unless of course Democrats want to poo-poo incredible news that positively affects millions and millions of Ameican families. I supposed that's an option.

I'm not sure what the Trump Campaign has everyone preparing to do right now and for the next few days, but I pray beating people over the head with this news (figuratively speaking) is top of the list.

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