Monday, October 26, 2020

Trump Campaign Drops Hilarious Ad, Compares Biden to Brain-Dead Zombie

Trump Campaign Drops Hilarious Ad, Compares Biden to Brain-Dead Zombie
Brodigan - October 26, 2020 at 07:26AM

Say what you will about Donald Trump and his re-election campaign, his ads have all been on point. Some have been hard-hitting; others had a certain comedic panache you usually don't see in a presidential race (see NEW TRUMP AD SENDS POWERFUL MESSAGE TO SECRET TRUMP SUPPORTERS AFRAID TO SPEAK OUT and THIS TRUMP VIDEO HAS BIDEN 'SWIMMING' WITH BERNIE AND AOC, AND I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING). The one that you are about to watch falls into the latter category. I don't know if it will drive voters in Michigan or Wisconsin, but I do know it will make you spit coffee out of your nose in laughter.

FULL MATCH : Donald Trump vs. Rapey Joe Biden | Louder With Crowder

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