Monday, October 19, 2020

Andrew Cuomo: Don't Trust the FDA, Trust Me Instead

Andrew Cuomo: Don't Trust the FDA, Trust Me Instead
Brodigan - October 19, 2020 at 08:01AM

Facebook is supposed to be blocking anti-vaxxers. Using that logic, Andrew Cuomo needs to be deplatformed (see ANDREW CUOMO IS WRITING A BOOK ON HIS COVID RESPONSE. SIDE NOTE: OVER 32,000 NYERS ARE DEAD ... and THESE TWO IMAGES PERFECTLY ILLUSTRATE ANDREW CUOMO FLAGRANT COVID-19 HYPOCRISY). Seriously, the stones on Chris' Idiot Brother to actually say this with a straight face are remarkable.

What I said I'm going to do in New York is we're going to put together our own group of doctors and medical experts to review the vaccine and the efficacy and the protocol, and if they say it's safe, then I'll go to the people of New York and I will say it's safe with that credibility.

You're going to need someone other than this FDA and this CDC saying it's safe.

I really want you to think about how insane this has gotten. Because I seem to recall a few months ago, when there was a poll that showed people on the right wouldn't take a 'rona vaccine, they were smeared as being ignorant, anti-science rubes who were ignoring scientists and experts, because they had questions about a medicine that was only just recently approved. I also want you to remember when we were told that a vaccine was the only way America could get back to normal. I want you to remember when we were told to trust the FDA and the CDC, who, out of all the experts we should trust, they were the most experty.

Now that we're getting closer to Election Day, all of a sudden NOT to trust the FDA and the CDC is the acceptable opinion. Also, don't trust a vaccine. Which, at least when it was convenient for various tyrannical governors to control us, is the ONLY THING that will get us back to normal.

The media wants to mock people who don't "trust the experts." Look how quickly the "experts" started singing a different tune once it was politically convenient.

from Steven Crowder Says