Thursday, October 22, 2020

Trump Releases 60 Minutes Interview: 'Look at this bias, hatred and rudeness...'

Trump Releases 60 Minutes Interview: 'Look at this bias, hatred and rudeness...'
Courtney Kirchoff - October 22, 2020 at 11:15AM

Donald Trump released his 60 Minutes interview ahead of the actual release of the 60 minutes interview. Tonight is the final presidential debate between Trump and Joe Biden, so the timing is everything. Lesley Stahl is seen asking many of the same questions Trump has already been asked and has already answered. You watch and you decide. Fair play? Or is Trump treated unfairly?

Look at the bias, hatred and rudeness on behalf of 60 Minutes and CBS. Tonight’s anchor, Kristen Welker, is far worse! #MAGA

When Trump hit the points about the economy doing well and Lesley Stahl denied it, then said "I'm not going to fact check you on that" after Trump rolled through his accomplishments, is rather telling. Would she have treated Joe Biden the same? We can only speculate and that's really not allowed so much with our Big Tech overlords threatening to de-platform our page.

Lesley Stahl's COVID CASES ARE SPREADING OMG is, to me, the greatest annoyance of this video. How much more coverage on this stupid virus must we hit? Remember how it was initially "15 days to slow the spread" and now media is yammering about "CASES AREN'T STOPPING!" even though they were never going it, it's a virus for God's sake. I just can't anymore.

All this COVID, the repeated attempts to tie Trump to a lot of COVID-19 crap, the repeated MASKS, OMG, MASKS, is garbage. Lesley doesn't seem to want to hit anything other than repeated COVID talking points for about the first half of the interview.

Then Lesley wanted to downplay the Hunter Biden scandal. Yeah, seems pretty biased and unfair to me. What say you?

Watching this interview was an exercise in frustration. Tonight's debate will likely be worse.

from Steven Crowder Says