Friday, October 16, 2020

'Moderate' Joe Biden Seemingly Gives Blessing to 8-Yr-Olds Becoming Transgender

'Moderate' Joe Biden Seemingly Gives Blessing to 8-Yr-Olds Becoming Transgender
Courtney Kirchoff - October 16, 2020 at 09:27AM

Throughout the campaign, we've been treated to "But Joe Biden is a moderate Democrat" tones. Bernie Sanders was supposedly the radical. But Sleepy Biden is just your average Joe. He's the Democrats' sane choice, you see. At Thursday night's town hall, Joe Biden was asked about children becoming transgender. Here's what he had to say:

A couple of things here:

How are we defining "discrimination"? Is this from a cultural standpoint, a medical one, societal? Because if an 8-year-old child wanted to cut off his or her perfectly functioning leg to be an amputee, would the same "there should be zero discrimination" rule apply? What if she wanted to pour acid in her eyes to be legally blind? Should society give it a pass? Should the doctors show "zero discrimination" toward the child?

Secondly, allowing a child to do what they want simply because bad things happen to transgender women of color isn't appropriate parenting. I'm not sure how many transgender women of color are murdered. But nor am I aware of how many straight women of color are murdered. Nor am I aware of how many men of color are murdered. Heck, I'm not sure how many people of any color are murdered on any given day or year. Unfortunately people are killed by other people. Just recently a Trump supporter was killed at a "mostly peaceful protest," simply for being a Trump supporter. By Joe's logic in the video above, we should show zero discrimination toward MAGA individuals regardless of their age, as MAGA people have been killed (at least one we know about). Yet children are bullied by teachers for supporting Donald Trump.

It's child abuse to allow children to take hormones which may damage them forever. People who encourage or excuse it are, in my opinion, complicit in that abuse.

from Steven Crowder Says