Thursday, October 22, 2020

President Trump Is Moved When a Retiring Cop Gives Him a Token of Thanks for Defending the Police

President Trump Is Moved When a Retiring Cop Gives Him a Token of Thanks for Defending the Police
Brodigan - October 22, 2020 at 08:13AM

2020 was a rough year for law enforcement officers. An argument could be made that being anti-cop became an official part of the Democrat Party's platform (see TRUMP'S NEW AD NUKES JOE BIDEN BEING ANTI-COP USING ACTUAL POLICE OFFICERS and TUCKER CARLSON GOES THERE: DEMOCRATS ARE TO BLAME FOR POLICE BEING ATTACKED). Then #DefundThePolice didn't actually mean "defund" the police. Also, rioters are peaceful protesters, and Joe Biden isn't in obvious cognitive decline. Donald Trump, on the other hand, has always strongly supported the law enforcement community.

One retiring police officer want to say thank you to the president. So he gave him a gift as his last action on the job.

Politically and electorally speaking, Trump's endorsements from the law enforcement community and Biden's lack of any of them is an intangible that won't show up in polls. Basically, contrary to what CNN or the New York Times want you to believe, most people like their police. As opposed to progressive (probably) Biden supporters, who seem to hate any police officer anywhere in the country. People in the suburbs have more friends and family members who are cops than who are leftist activists who will attack anyone with a Thin Blue Line flag.

Biden supporters, or "presumable Biden supporters" because they sure as sh!t don't like Trump, see something on the news about a cop in Georgia and use that to smear all cops in places like Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. That's something undecided voters who are still on the fence take with them into the voting booth.

from Steven Crowder Says