Friday, October 16, 2020

Tucker Carlson Exposes New Emails That Could Be Problematic for Joe Biden

Tucker Carlson Exposes New Emails That Could Be Problematic for Joe Biden
Brodigan - October 16, 2020 at 07:49AM

Joe Biden had a great week this week, with no bad news that could possibly be troubling for his campaign (see BREAKING: THE BIDEN CAMPAIGN SUPPORTS BIG TECH CENSORING THE NEW YORK POST and TED CRUZ TO SUBPOENA TWITTER CEO TO ANSWER FOR 'ELECTION INTERFERENCE'). Especially, any bad news involving his son Hunter Biden, who is an absolute peach. Really, just an upstanding, quality young man whom any woman would be happy to take home to her parents or take home to her in-laws. That is, if you could break him away from praying in church or feeding the homeless. Hunter Biden is a mensch, is what I'm saying. Donald Trump Jr. wishes he could be Hunter Biden.

People like Tucker Carlson should be ashamed that they keep picking on him. Make sure you don't watch this video, and definitely make sure none of your friends and no one in your family sees this.

So here you have a PR firm involved in an official White House foreign policy call. How could that happen? Good question — but it worked. Days later, Joe Biden flew to Ukraine and did exactly what his son wanted. The vice president gave a speech slamming the very Ukrainian law enforcement official who was tormenting Burisma. The exact guy.

To be fair, I'm sure the Ukrainian law enforcement official was nasty to Hunter. All Joe Biden did was defend his son, as any father would. Being vice president doesn't stop you from loving your son and wanting him to succeed in life. Let any of you whose fathers didn't pull a string or two for you cast the first stone! Thank God for loving fathers like Joe Biden. More importantly, thank God for Big Tech companies like Facebook and Twitter ensuring that no stories that dare question that can be seen by others. Under Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey's eye, blessed be the fruit.

from Steven Crowder Says