Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Keith Olbermann Loses Last Shred of Sanity, Demands Death Penalty for Donald Trump

Keith Olbermann Loses Last Shred of Sanity, Demands Death Penalty for Donald Trump
Brodigan - October 21, 2020 at 11:57AM

I miss the Keith Olbermann who cameoed in the Hootie and the Blowfish "Only Wanna Be with You Video." Sadly, that guy is long gone, and his sanity has been slowly unraveling a little more every day since his first "Worst Person in the World" bit. When my dude left ESPN again a month ago — causing tens of fans to say "wait, he had a job?" — to launch a YouTube show, you knew simply being unhinged wouldn't be enough. He would have to be unhinged AF.

My dude hasn't disappointed. Here he is calling for the president of the United States to be charged with 220,000 counts of murder.

I mean, if you wanna talk about elected officials who have COVID-related blood on their hands, we should sit down and talk (see NEW YORK'S COVID RELATED NURSING HOME DEATHS ARE WORSE THAN ORIGINALLY THOUGHT and 'RELEASE THE NUMBERS!': DEMANDS FOR GOV. WHITMER TO RELEASE FULL COVID NURSING HOME DEATH COUNT INTENSIFY). But while both Gretchen Whitmer and Chris' Idiot Brother are incompetent tyrants, I'd hardly want to see them given the death penalty. I'd rather seem them voted out of office. You know, like rational, not batsh!t crazy people do.

As for Trump and the "body count," I have a question for Keith Olbermann ("KO" is reserved for people I respect, like WWE superstar Kevin Owens). Joe Biden's plan for how he would have tackled the pandemic is to do exactly what Trump did except for two things: 1) He'd do it a week earlier, and 2) He wouldn't be Donald Trump doing so. Tell me how much more different the result would be. Because if I suggest Joe Biden should be charged with murder in the same situation, I'd most likely be deplatformed.

from Steven Crowder Says