Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Hot Mic Catches NFL Announcers Bashing Patriotic Military Flyovers, Supporting Biden-Harris

Hot Mic Catches NFL Announcers Bashing Patriotic Military Flyovers, Supporting Biden-Harris
Brodigan - October 20, 2020 at 06:50AM

I choose NFL Red Zone on Sundays for a multitude of reasons. There are no commercials. You get only the plays with none of the down time between. Also, you rarely ever have to pay attention to the god-awful announcing. If you look up "god-awful announcing" in the dictionary, you'll find Joe Buck's stupid face looking back at you. His partner Troy Aikman isn't much better. He's no Tony Romo, is what I'm saying.

So the fact that the two of them don't know when their mics are on doesn't surprise me.

AIKMAN: That's a lot of jet fuel just to do a little flyover.
BUCK: That's your hard-earned money and your tax dollars at work.
AIKMAN: That stuff ain't happening with Kamala-Biden ticket. I'll tell you that right now, partner.

The Kamala-Biden endorsement was a nice touch. Especially that they cut through the facade of Biden being anything but a sock puppet for the agenda of leftists like Kamala Harris (see FREUDIAN SLIP OR SENILITY? EVEN JOE BIDEN THINKS IT'S THE 'HARRIS-BIDEN' ADMINISTRATION and NEW AD CINEMATICALLY TIES BIDEN-HARRIS TO NON-PEACEFUL PROTESTERS). Aikman-Buck also get points for acknowledging that displays of patriotism are a Trump thing that will end if Biden gets elected. Because, you know, Biden is a Democrat.

My only regret is that since this happened on FOX, they probably won't be allowed to talk about it on Fox & Friends. If the president ever heard about this, his Twitter would be lit.

from Steven Crowder Says