Saturday, October 31, 2020

Ryan Long Calls Halloween an Amazing Holiday ... for Cancel Culture Bloggers

Ryan Long Calls Halloween an Amazing Holiday ... for Cancel Culture Bloggers
Brodigan - October 31, 2020 at 06:12AM

Leftists have been pretty busy trying to destroy your life over supporting Donald Trump or having questions about masks in 2020. Sadly, I'm not sure they have much left for a War on Halloween this year. Which is a shame, because the left is at their most unhingediness when it comes to harmless costumes (see SCREW OFF LEFTISTS, STOP TRYING TO RUIN HALLOWEEN FOR LITTLE GIRLS and FEMALE COMEDIAN MOCKS THE LEFT'S OUTRAGE AT HALLOWEEN). I even feel bad for the libs, because I know nothing makes them feel more alive than when they get to attack parents for a kid dressed as the wrong Disney princess. It's like a national holiday for them, as Ryan Long points out in this video.

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