Friday, October 16, 2020

New Ad Reveals ‘Mansplaining’ Hypocrisy in Treatment of Amy Coney Barrett vs. Kamala Harris

New Ad Reveals ‘Mansplaining’ Hypocrisy in Treatment of Amy Coney Barrett vs. Kamala Harris
Brodigan - October 16, 2020 at 01:02PM

Immediately after Mike Pence handily defeated Kamala Harris in the vice presidential debate, the media leapt to her defense accusing the vice president of "mansplaining." You see, when a liberal woman can't win an argument and the person arguing is a man, they throw the word "man" in front of "explain" to dismiss his superior argument as sexism. Usually this happens after he "manterrupts" her to begin with, which for some liberal women triggers them because it reminds them of the time someone was "manspreading" on a bus and made her feel less than. This is just liberal women thought. If it's a conservative woman like Amy Coney Barrett, you can interrupt the shit out of her. Which is why many of us who knew what was coming rolled our eyes while people were make excuses for Kamala Harris' inferior debate performance.

This hypocrisy is perfectly illustrated in this new GOP video. Or, I guess it's womanstrated since the head of the GOP is a female-American.

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