Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Cruz Torches Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey: Who the Hell Elected You?!

Cruz Torches Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey: Who the Hell Elected You?!
Brodigan - October 28, 2020 at 11:28AM

You need to go right to this video. Because Ted Cruz just disemboweled Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey live on camera (see TED CRUZ JUST EXPOSED TWITTER'S ANTI-CONSERVATIVE BIAS WITH A SINGLE TWEET and TWITTER CEO JACK DORSEY STOPS PRETENDING, SAYS "WE CAN'T AFFORD TO BE NEUTRAL ANYMORE"). In a "Jack forgot the 'safe word'" way. So please take eight minutes to inject this into your veins, and then we'll come right back here and discuss it.

“Mr. Dorsey, who the hell elected you? And put you in charge of what the media are allowed to report, and what the American people are allowed to hear......

And in conclusion...

Quick programming note: Some of you have leftist Facebook friends complaining that Republicans are wasting their time with this instead of coronavirus aid. Calmly explain to them you understand their point and suggest they contact their Democrat senator and ask why they are holding the American people hostage by filibustering so much as a debate on aid, let alone the actual aid. Now back to the social media hearing, where if any Republican senator says anything other than "I yield my time to Senator Cruz," I'm advocating for a primary challenge.

There's nothing that wasn't exposed. Ted Cruz took a scalpel to all of Twitter's arguments for what they ban and don't ban and exposed their hypocrisy. He even got Jack Dorsey to admit why they were blocking the New York Post's account — not a reporter from the account but the actual account for the newspaper — until the Post deleted a tweet on a news article. Dorsey basically admitted right there that Twitter is no longer a platform and is actually a publisher. Also, judging from tweets from other mainstream reporters as well as some left-leaning ones, Dorsey doesn't have many supporters in the press for doing so. If they weren't busy c*ckblocking Donald Trump before Election Day, I'm sure a few of them would speak up more.

To make this entire event even more enjoyable, Twitter's stock is down over 5% as of this writing.

This is game over. Twitter can no longer pretend it is just a lowly platform with no political agenda. What WE need to do is make sure we have a Republican president and Senate next year to make sure actions are taken.

from Steven Crowder Says