Thursday, October 15, 2020

Breaking: The Biden Campaign Supports Big Tech Censoring the New York Post

Breaking: The Biden Campaign Supports Big Tech Censoring the New York Post
Brodigan - October 15, 2020 at 09:20AM

Just watch this video.

I'm almost stunned into silence here. It's one thing for Big Tech to actively work on behalf of Democrats (see FACEBOOK'S POLICY COMMUNICATION DIRECTOR ADMITS TO REDUCING DISTRIBUTION ON JOE BIDEN ARTICLE and UNREAL: TWITTER NOW CENSORING GOVERNMENT WEBSITES FROM SHARING THE HUNTER BIDEN STORY). Especially in the case of Twitter, where Kamala Harris' former press secretary is a top Twitter communications official. But now you have a presidential campaign THANKING Big Tech for censoring a story. And then using that censorship as fodder to say the story isn't true.

A presidential campaign that is poised to win in November. Y'all can cry about fake polls all you want. Most measurable statistics outside "Trump did it four years ago" point to a Biden victory next month. This is what we have to look forward to if that happens. Now it's the Biden campaign thanking Big Tech for censoring stories they don't like. Imagine if it's the Biden ADMINISTRATION!

There's less than three weeks to go. Call your friends. Call you family members. Reach out to your college roommate from Michigan, Wisconsin, or Pennsylvania whom you haven't spoken to in a while. Make sure everyone you know votes and is voting for Donald Trump.

from Steven Crowder Says