Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Actor Jim Carrey Thought His Anti-Ted Cruz Portrait Would Trigger the Senator, but Cruz Reacted Differently

Actor Jim Carrey Thought His Anti-Ted Cruz Portrait Would Trigger the Senator, but Cruz Reacted Differently
Brodigan - October 13, 2020 at 08:45AM

Leftists have a remarkable ability to "own" conservatives in a way that makes the conservative look badass. The entire legend of Cocaine Mitch is a perfect example (see COCAINE MITCH DEFECATING ON THE NEW YORK TIMES IS THE CONTENT WE NEED and COCAINE MITCH CALLS FOR VOTE ON GREEN NEW DEAL, DEMOCRATS CRY SABOTAGE). What the left thinks is a dis, conservatives wear as a badge of honor. Exhibit Q would be the artwork of Jim Carrey. Or perhaps that's "artwork."

Maybe he eternal sunshine of the spotless minded himself into forgetting his acting career and thinks he's a starving artist now. Carrey worked hard on this portrait of Senator Ted Cruz, maybe thinking it sends a biting political commentary that could upset the election.

You might be saying to yourself, "Brodigan. Dude. That's looks f***ing awesome. I want that on a T-shirt." Well, friend, you are not alone in feeling that way. Ted Cruz agrees.

I know Carrey would prefer we all view his artwork as an insult to all we hold dear, but I kinda want a Hellbound Class of 2020: The Animated Series. Cruz, Cocaine Mitch, Dan Crenshaw, Kristi Noem, and maybe throw in Mike Pence as their leader. I mean, it would be no Dumb and Dumber To, but I feel it can still find critical acclaim with a niche audience. Let's set up a meeting, Jim Carrey. My people and Ted Cruz's people will call ... actually, I'm not sure if Jim Carrey still has people. Maybe I'll just DM him on Twitter.

from Steven Crowder Says