Saturday, March 5, 2022

Watch: Dude Leisurely Leaves Store with Stolen Goods, But Not Without Starting a Food Fight

Watch: Dude Leisurely Leaves Store with Stolen Goods, But Not Without Starting a Food Fight
Joseph Gunderson - March 04, 2022 at 09:55AM

Crime thrives in liberal cities for various reasons. One reason is that the left just really hates police officers. They want to defund them, decreasing the number of cops a city can afford to employ and limiting their resources. But it’s also the policies of several progressive district attorneys, who ensure criminals are quickly released after committing crimes just so they can go commit more crimes.

They’ve also basically made theft legal up to a certain dollar value, which is why shoplifting and smash & grabs have become a popular pastime for the common criminal looking to score a few hundred dollars in merchandise.

And those criminals have learned they have very little to fear, so they take their time. Like this guy, who has no issue applying his five-finger discount to whatever catches his eye and throws a tantrum when a random shopper confronts him.

It’s one thing to be a dirtbag and steal. It’s another thing to get upset when someone confronts you as you do it, getting all pissy like he’s the one doing the wrong thing.

Why businesses even bother sticking around in these liberal cities is a mystery. It’s become so bad they’re forced to lock up toothpaste. When they get robbed like this, politicians blame the stores! And when the businesses try to stick it out, they’re ultimately forced to close.

Progressive (read regressive) policies are to blame for all of this, but those politicians don’t seem to care, and the people who live in leftist-run cities continue to vote for the same idiots who allow criminals to run amuck.

Perhaps people should think really hard before they cast their votes in the future. Is this what people want? If so, keep voting for leftists. If not, maybe think about voting for the other guy.

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