Saturday, March 5, 2022

Journalist Group ‘Appalled’ by Lack of Diversity on CNN+ Streaming Service

Journalist Group ‘Appalled’ by Lack of Diversity on CNN+ Streaming Service
Joseph Gunderson - March 05, 2022 at 08:28AM

CNN is a breeding ground for pedophiles, sex pests, and good ol’ fashioned jabronis, but are the people working to assemble the network’s streaming lineup also… racists? I’m not saying that…

The National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ), however, have called into question CNN’s dedication to diversity, pointing out that there is a “lack of Latino Journalists in the CNN+ lineup,” calling the apparent snub to the Latino community appalling and disrespectful.

In a statement put out by the NAHJ, they said,

“We expect Chris Licht to do better to ensure that CNN hosts delivering the news reflect the communities they cover, and that diverse candidates are given equal opportunity. To build a strong pipeline of Latino journalists, it is essential CNN+ develop and nurture diverse talent within their news programs, not only to accurately represent communities across the country, but also to positively contribute to the network’s evolving programming.

Despite a reckoning over race that has motivated many newsroom leaders to commit to diversifying their newsrooms, many news organizations continue to do a dismal job. NAHJ demands that CNN leaders rectify this oversight.”

It’s impossible not to enjoy the woke movement dismantling one of their own. It never ceases to be entertaining. And the carnage, in this case, is especially hilarious, as Chris Licht has only just taken up the reigns over at CNN after Zucker was unceremoniously ousted for shtupping one of his underlings for years.

We can expect CNN to capitulate. Even though Licht desires to steer the network in a new direction—a newsy kind of direction as opposed to a news-propaganda one—I seriously doubt he’s going to do something so radical as tell a group of Latino journos that maybe they should work to be at the top of the game and earn themselves a slot on the streaming service. Rather, he’ll probably pluck a few out of obscurity and give them a slot. The left does love its handouts.

Regardless, this is funny. I couldn’t care less who CNN allows onto its streaming service—I will not be tuning in, nor do I believe any of you will be—but the more instability there is over there, the most hilarity is sure to ensue.

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