Monday, March 7, 2022

Activist Speaks Out Against Law Allowing Biological Males into Female Prisons, JK Rowling Has Her Back

Activist Speaks Out Against Law Allowing Biological Males into Female Prisons, JK Rowling Has Her Back
Brodigan - March 07, 2022 at 08:08AM

Formerly celebrated liberal icon turned hated TERF-rights activist JK Rowling is lending support to fellow activists. The author shared an Op-Ed written by a sexual assault survivor speaking out against a new Scottish Law, the "Gender Recognition Reform Bill." Susan Dalgety is concerned the bill, which allows "men to change their legal sex simply by affirmation," will adversely affect women's rights. What Dalgety took most exception with is Scotland's Social Justice Secretary (that's a thing) Shona Robison saying that “predatory and abusive men have ever had to pretend to be anything else to carry out abusive and predatory behaviour."

Rowling, also a survivor and someone who has spoken out on the issue, gave Dalgety a retweet of endorsement.

The debate between biological women's rights and trans rights is divisive. One side acknowledges the importance of people living their lives based on who they are inside. However, they acknowledge there are other issues that need to be taken into account such as fairness, as women who were biologically born female are forced to compete against women who were biologically born male in high school and collegiate sports. Or whether it is wise to put women who were biologically born men, and still have what used to traditionally be the male sex organ, in women's prisons with women who were born women. As we have seen in America, a female penis will sometimes be confused for a male penis.

The other side thinks the first side is a bunch of transphobes. Some express disagreement with violent threats.

The prison issue is of particular concern. Scotland already lets rapists identify how they want to identify. Rowling went on to express concern about how the new Scotland law could put some of the most vulnerable biological women at risk.

The debate between trans-right activists and both TERFs and SERFs (formerly known as "feminists" and/or "women") shows no sign of being resolved any time soon. It's a divisive issue, and there are too many TERFs and SERFs to be de-platformed for expressing the wrong opinion on social media.

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from Steven Crowder Says