Sunday, July 11, 2021

'It was Eyeopening:' Matt Damon Shocked to Discover Trump Supporters Aren't Horrible People

'It was Eyeopening:' Matt Damon Shocked to Discover Trump Supporters Aren't Horrible People
Brodigan - July 11, 2021 at 07:40AM

Matt Damon has a new movie coming out called Stillwater. No, it's not about the greatest rock n' roll band from the 70s. It's about an oil worker whose daughter was accused of murder. In researching the role, Damon -- who no, did not move to Australia after Trump was elected -- went to Oklahoma to research his character. Find out what made the character tick. In spending time with people who most likely did not vote for Joe Biden, Damon found it "eye-opening" to discover that they weren't terrible people.

They're in the oil business, of course he voted for Trump. You talk to those roughnecks, they're in the oil business. Their livelihood depends on that.

A livelihood that Damon's Hollywood celebrity BFFs want to take away from these people. But please, continue.

These guys don't apologize for who they are, ever. "Do you have a gun?" Yeah, I've got two.

Again, not if Damon's celebrity friends have their way. Okay, no more interruptions. We're getting to the "eye-opening" part.

These guys took us out in the oil rigs. We spent hours in the car driving from place to place. The roads are big. The trucks are big. Being invited into their homes. Into a backyard BBQ. And a guitar comes out and someone starts singing church songs. It was really fascinating. These people were wonderful.

The irony in all this is that the characters in Good Will Hunting, the people Damon allegedly grew up with, would have all voted for Donald Trump as well. Maybe not Will. But definitely Chucky, Morgan, and the other friend who grew up to be a cowboy. That's right, Linus. Even people in the Northeast who voted for Trump are decent people as well. This may surprise anyone who gets all their news from CNN. Or in a celebrities case, from the talking points sent to your PR rep from the Democrat party.

Imagine the change in perspective if more movie roles were written about people outside of the usual Hollywood bubble. Actors would of course go back to repeating whatever the left wants them to. It's the only way to remain actors. But there would at least be your ooccasional fleeting moments of clarity.

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