Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Criminals Casually Walk Out of Store with Armfuls of Stolen Merchandise While Staff Does Nothing

Criminals Casually Walk Out of Store with Armfuls of Stolen Merchandise While Staff Does Nothing
Brodigan - July 21, 2021 at 09:44AM

There's no need to run,
Democrats have won,
Stealing Air Jordan's sure is fun,
California here we come,
There are no cops to outrun..."
- Phantom Planet "California (2021 Remix)

Here's a top philosophical question for 2021. Are you a criminal for committing a crime that police aren't prosecuting? Stealing is illegal. I think it's still illegal in California technically. But while stealing is kinda, sorta against the law there, police aren't prosecuting anything under $950 worth of stolen goods. So that makes stealing ... legal-ish? Let that stew in your brain while watching two men casually walking out of a store with armfuls of clothing they didn't pay for.

Actually, I have to fact-check myself. Only one of them had armfuls of clothes. The other dude has a giant backpack.

Thanks to Prop 47 thefts under $950 will not be prosecuted, so cops will not bother showing up. Just a reminder that you get what you voted for, California!

To quote Sideshow Bob:

Top 5 Ways California is a FAILED State | Louder With Crowder

from Steven Crowder Says