Sunday, July 25, 2021

Unhinged Liberal Attacks Tucker Carlson in Fishing Store, Doesn't Think He's The Idiot Here

Unhinged Liberal Attacks Tucker Carlson in Fishing Store, Doesn't Think He's The Idiot Here
Brodigan - July 25, 2021 at 07:12AM

I hate Nancy Pelosi. Joe Biden's rapidly climbing the charts on my sh!tlist as well. If I saw either one of them at a store, I'd ignore them. Because I'm a well-adjusted individual. One who can shut off the internet on occasion. This chucklehead who confronted Tucker Carlson at a tackle shop is NOT a well-adjusted individual. He hates the way Tucker Carlson is allowed to go on TV and express an opinion that this chucklehead disagrees with. This leads him to believe Tucker Carlson is destroying America. Literally, with his two bare hands. Such is the mentality of the low-information left.

Liberals want this video to go VIRAL! I'm sure Tucker Carlson would agree with them.

UNHINGED LEFTIST NINCOMPOOP: I hate your face. I hate your eyes. I hate your bow tie.

TUCKER CARLSON: I haven't worn the bow tie since the 90s.

UNHINGED LEFTIST NINCOMPOOP: Shut up. I hate your opinion. I hate your voice. I don't care that your daughter is here. What you've done to people's families ...

TUCKER CARLSON: Settle down, son.

The highlight, besides Tucker sonning this jackwagon, was when he noticed the assclown's friend recording the incident, Tucker laughed in his face.

The video cuts off right away. The person recording must have realized who the douchebag was in this confrontation. And it wasn't the Fox News host fly-fishing with his daughter.

I'm not going to get angrier about this than Tucker Carlson, who doesn't care. He probably hopped on his group text with Sean Hannity and Brit Hume saying "lol, you aren't going to believe what just happened." I'm sure Hannity responded with a killer meme about it. Tucker also handled the situation better than I would. If it were me, I'd a least be tempted to flip the guy's cap off and say "bloop." But then the story becomes about how Carlson viciously attacked a stranger. Right now it's "Idiot Acts Like Idiot in Store Not Thinking That He's The Idiot."

Everyone point at the clueless lib and laugh. Then point at genderless potato head Brian Stelter, who you know is going to chirp up about it.

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