Saturday, July 24, 2021

‘Your Party Believes Men Can Be Pregnant’: Dan Crenshaw ENDS Adam Schiff in Fiery Exchange

‘Your Party Believes Men Can Be Pregnant’: Dan Crenshaw ENDS Adam Schiff in Fiery Exchange
Brodigan - July 24, 2021 at 07:12AM

Liberals are fond of saying that Republicans are "extreme" and not who they used to be. You and I both know they doth protest too much. Democrats have gone so far to the left, just when you think they can't get more unhinged, Joe Biden erases women and calls them "birthing people." Republicans need to start calling it out. Rep. Dan Crenshaw shows us how.

We start with this Rep. Adam Schiff tweet. You may remember pencil-neck Schiff as the weiner looking individual behind the Russia investigation. Not "weiner looking" as in the kid you'd shove in a locker in High School. The dude looks like male genitalia. Or, female genitalia if you live in Los Angeles. Schiff wishes that Republicans weren't Republicans.

The Republican Party is a shell of its former self. What we see today is a cult of personality beholden to the whims of a disgraced, former president. Republicans of good conscience — both in power and out — must take their party back. America needs two functional parties.

Schiff's most likely talking about Republicans not playing along with Nancy Pelosi (another extremist) and that thing that happened at the beginning of January. Doesn't matter. We've heard it before. When Republicans were "not" a "shell of their former selves," Democrats claimed they were as compared to the era before them. Ronald Regan should have been more like Gerald Ford. Bush Sr. should have been more like Bush Jr. Trump should have been more like Andrew Breitbart (I sware those words actually came out of MSNBC's mouth). Eventually, Ron DeSantis is going to be labeled an extremist compared to the "more moderate" Trump. Meh.

It's not worth getting mad about. It is however necessary to hit back and do so with specifics. If Republicans are the extreme ones, this tweet is the equivalent of Crenshaw hitting Schiff with a frying pan and screaming "E-C-F***ING-W!"

We ain't perfect… but your party believes men can be pregnant and "real socialism hasn't been tried." So there's that.

I know it's the most cliche .gif on the interwebs, buuuuuuut...

Democrats think men can be women, and children should be allowed to make that decision no questions asked. Democrats think boys can take sports opportunities away from girls, and girls should just calm down about it. Democrats think abortion should be legal up until the baby is coming out and even after. And yes, Democrats ignore every failed example of socialism and think they can do it more better than anyone before them.

The right is the side of freedom and normal. The left is the side of Rainbow Dildo Butt Monkey. We need to get more vocal about the difference.

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from Steven Crowder Says