Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Justice! Woman Accused of Hitting George Floyd Rioter with Her Car Found Not Guilty

Justice! Woman Accused of Hitting George Floyd Rioter with Her Car Found Not Guilty
Brodigan - July 20, 2021 at 08:30AM

Jennifer Watson, a Colorado woman, was found not guilty of assault for hitting a protester with her car. We wrote about the incident last year when it happened. To refresh your memory, since there were multiple instances of protestors attacking drivers:

The video makes it look like an open-and-shut case of self-defense. A jury of her peers agreed. Unfortunately, they did find her guilty of "reckless driving." Apparently, Jennifer didn't use hand signals or have her blinker on while she was fearing for her life. But that's only a misdemeanor. The more serious charge of assault is what's important here.

Her attorney, Ryan Brackley, gave a local news outlet more details of what happened.

She was alone in her car with her dog when she was surrounded by people who began kicking and hitting her car and taunting and yelling at her,. While stopped, Mr. Max Bailey jumped up onto the hood of her car and her windshield was smashed in two places. She was fearful for her safety.

Incidents like this are why Ron DeSantis is passing anti-riot laws. Like I said before, this was one of MANY other instances from last summer.

Rioters were allowed to take to the streets and destroy things with impunity. Innocent people's lives were at risk just by turning down the "wrong" street while they were trying to go home. Angry mob vs. one person, you do what you have to do to get home safe. Once the angry mob makes the decision not to let you through and starts threatening you, it becomes self-defense. It becomes concern that you'll be pulled out of your car and bludgeoned by an angry mob of rioters.

You have the decision to either stay there and risk harm or do what you have to do to get home safe. The rioters have the option to continue threatening you or get out of your way. Thankfully in Jennifer Watson's case, the jury used common sense and saw clear self-defense. Another group of her "peers" may have ignored facts and had her convicted of worse.

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