Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Watch: Mother in Labor Traumatized by Nurse, Told Newborn Will be COIVD Tested Whether She Agrees or Not

Watch: Mother in Labor Traumatized by Nurse, Told Newborn Will be COIVD Tested Whether She Agrees or Not
Brodigan - July 28, 2021 at 10:14AM

As bad as government restrictions in the name of a "public health crisis" suck in America, they're worse in the United Kingdom. Is that much of a consolation? Not really. But it is a reminder of why we broke up with England and are never, ever, ever getting back together. A pregnant woman goes into labor. She goes to the hospital, as women are known to do in situations like this. A nurse informs the mother her baby is going to be given a COVID test as soon as she's born. This is where the father started recording. (h/t Redstate)

This is 'rona related. For the sake of accuracy, this is only according to the couple being traumatized by the hospital. I won't even be discussing the virus as much as describing what I see happening. If you would like more information on all the latest 'rona news, Facebook has no doubt tagged this post with the medical information Joe Biden's CDC has approved.

The pregnant woman in question was told that her baby was not her property. Not in those exact words, no. What we can hear is the mother saying she didn't want her NEWBORN BABY to be given a COVID test first thing. The nurse implies the mother didn't have a choice in the matter. When the woman asked "is the baby not my property," the nurse said it only is as long as the baby is still in the womb. The implication was that once it was born the government is in charge.

This insane statement may have been clarified by the nurse. It was hard to hear with the mother and father flipping out and talking over the alleged medical professional. In their defense, they were just told their baby who is about to be born didn't belong to them. You and I would flip out too. Even in England, where the government believes all the things belong to them.

The expecting parents were preparing to check out when the video cuts off. I'm not sure what happened after. Hopefully, they have a happy and healthy newborn. And the sh*tc*nt nurse had a COVID swab shoved up a very uncomfortable place.

Usual viral video warnings: allow for missing context, yackity schmackity. But treat this as a warning here in America. Brits never had much personal rights pre-pandemic. They have less now. This is what happens when you let the government chip away at your freedoms. They think your baby, which they support you aborting before it's born, becomes their property seconds after it is.

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