Tuesday, July 27, 2021

'How Many More Rights Will We Take Away?': Dude Destroys County Board Over Public Health 'Propoganda'

'How Many More Rights Will We Take Away?': Dude Destroys County Board Over Public Health 'Propoganda'
Brodigan - July 27, 2021 at 07:29PM

The new CDC guidelines on masks announced today prove once and for all it's not about "the science," it's about "the politics." But, they're only GUIDELINES. They are a suggestion. Whether or not they affect you depends on YOU and your local elected officials. It is more important than ever to speak out. So I wanted to amplify this dudebro who recently told the San Diego Board of Supervisors where to stick it.

His name's Shaun Frederickson. He's an average voter and taxpayer like you and I who is pissed off.

CAUGHT ON CAMERA! Entire Oakley School Board RESIGNS | Louder With Crowder youtu.be

from Steven Crowder Says