Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Sen. Josh Hawley Exposes Foreign 'Dark Money' Group Behind Joe Biden's 'Misinformation' Report

Sen. Josh Hawley Exposes Foreign 'Dark Money' Group Behind Joe Biden's 'Misinformation' Report
Brodigan - July 20, 2021 at 11:35AM

Joe Biden came out and accused Facebook of killing people. Then he took it back and said Facebook ISN'T killing people themselves, but the company is allowing 12 people to kill people spreading misinformation. These mythical twelve people are according to some report the president had allegedly just read. Now we found the report came from a progressive activist group called, I sh*t you not, the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH). Fingerquotes around the word "hate." They're one of those dark money groups Democrats have a problem with when the dark money isn't being spent on them.

I'm sure you can figure out where this is going. But let's let Senator Josh Hawley takes us there anyway. HINT: I doubt yesterday's NPR hit piece against The Daily Wire was an accident.

For days now, the Biden's Administration has said 12 people are "guilty" of spreading #COVID19 "misinformation" on social media. Who compiled this list for them? The Center for Countering Digital Hate. A foreign dark money group.

The organization is based in the United Kingdom, a country known for dislike of free speech. Just ask former royal and current eunuch Prince Harry.

This is the same dark money group that tried to have the conservative The Federalist deplatformed last year. And they've gone after other conservative sites as well, like Breitbart News.

Set aside our puddingbrained president telling the American people that his entire V-word (rhymes with Maxine) operation missed its goals because of twelve random people on Facebook. Twelve random people spreading "misinformation" were all it took to convince Americans not to get their Fauci ouchies. The Biden administration is so incompetent, by their own admission, they couldn't get the jobs done because of twelve people.

On Thursday, Joe Biden's surgeon general issued a report demanding Big Tech give harsher consequences to people spreading "misinformation."

On Friday, Joe Biden's press secretary says that if someone is banned from one platform for "misinformation," they should be banned from all platforms.

On Monday, Joe Biden cites a report claiming "12 people" are responsible for two-thirds of the "medical" misinformation he wants stopped. Up to this point, there is still no mention of any specific misinformation he has an issue with. He just wants the Big Tech companies to "look in the mirror" and do something about it.

Now today we find out the report all of this is based on is from a leftist organization with a history of demanding conservative outlets get deplatformed. "Hate" and "misinformation" are nothing more than buzz words used to describe any opinion they disagree with or any fact that gets in the way of their political agenda.

Joe Biden, or the people who have their arms shoved up his rectum and make him say things like a puppet, wants Americans to get used to the idea of deplatforming people for wrongthink. Or, "misinformation." He's using a public health crisis as an excuse to see how much he can get away with. After all, it's "only" twelve people and it's only to save people.

Let's see what happens next. It's these twelve people now. Then it will be people criticizing Biden's climate agenda. Then it will be the concerned parents speaking out against schools indoctrinating their children. Then it will be anyone who questions Biden's economic agenda. Everything will be labeled "misinformation." Everything will be considered "hate."

The people who have been warning us for the past sixteen months (hi Courtney)? This is what they've been warning us about.

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from Steven Crowder Says