Friday, July 30, 2021

'It's Not Science, It's Politics': Ted Cruz Goes Scorched-Earth on Democrats and 'Discredited' CDC

'It's Not Science, It's Politics': Ted Cruz Goes Scorched-Earth on Democrats and 'Discredited' CDC
Brodigan - July 30, 2021 at 07:57AM

Few things in politics are more enjoyable than when Ted Cruz's brain goes into kill mode and leaves bodies all over the floor. Proverbially, of course. I hope you didn't overdose on Rep. Chip Roy's rant from yesterday. If so, go do a shot of methadone and come down before you click play on this one.

I direct all "fact" checkers and leftist trolls reading to pay attention to the beginning of the video. Where the pro-science Ted Cruz says that v*cc*nes work because he believes in science. Okay? Okay. Democrats and the media (I repeat myself) purposely blur what they call "the science" with what it actually is "the politics." That's Ted Cruz's point here. It's the point that all conservatives need to be articulating over and over again.

The local government Democrats that mandate you must obey the CDC. They throw their hands up and say, "Hey, we're just following the CDC." The CDC says "Hey, we're just making recommendations." And no one's accountable for anything. This makes no sense.

A perfect example is the non-sciencey guidelines when it comes to children.

One of the things the CDC rolled out this week is an edict that in schools, everybody must be masked. Child. Adult. It doesn't matter if you're v*cc*nated. Doesn't matter. You must wear a mask. Why? Who knows? It's not based on science. It's not based on medicine.

It's based on politics. And between the CDC and the teachers' union, it has been this entire time.

This isn't about whether you get a shot or don't get a shot. I did. You're still my friend if you didn't. My shot, according to science, makes it so there's only a 0.005% chance I get a mild illness regardless of what personal medical decision you made for yourself. The science hasn't changed. The only thing that has changed is guidelines from a government bureaucracy, and it's been done purely for political reasons. They haven't even attempted to make a clear scientific case for it. They'll fill that in later. Allegedly, later today. Where we find out this decision was made because of a handful of people from Cape Cod. Sciencey, schmiencey as long as the media can cause people to panic.

This isn't a battle between v*cc*nated and non-v*cc*nated. That's what the left wants. It's all of us vs. unelected government bureaucrats.

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from Steven Crowder Says