Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Unprecedented? ICE Releases 50,000 Illegal Immigrants into America, SHOCKED How Many Don't Return for Meetings

Unprecedented? ICE Releases 50,000 Illegal Immigrants into America, SHOCKED How Many Don't Return for Meetings
Brodigan - July 27, 2021 at 02:11PM

At 3:00 this afternoon, the CDC is going to announce revised mask guidelines due to ... a litany of non-science-based reasons. Yes, even if you got your Fauci ouchie, you're going to be "advised" to mask up again. Keep that in the back of your mind, all the restrictions the Biden government is putting on American citizens for our own good. Because ICE released 50,000 illegal immigrants into the country and doesn't know where over 85% of them are.

According to Axios, Joe Biden's Immigration and Customs Enforcement division took the "unprecedented" step of releasing illegal immigrants out into the wild without a court date. Instead, they were given a list of addresses of ICE offices throughout the country and told to check in at some point for punch and pie. Out of 50,000 illegal immigrants, only 6,700 of them have shown up. For everyone that has checked in, 25 have not.

These bars are will make you particularly stabby:

The sizable numbers are a sign of just how overwhelmed some sectors of the U.S.-Mexico border continue to be: A single stretch covering the Rio Grande Valley had 20,000 apprehensions in a week. The figures also show the shortcomings of recent emergency decisions to release migrants.

Really, Captain Obvious?

Let's say, for sake of argument, everything the Biden administration and the CDC have told us about anything C*VID-adjacent has been truthy and sciency. Sure, last week Biden said if you had your shots, you have nothing to worry about, and today they say mask up anyway just for feelings, but whatever. The Delta variant is running wild. These are decisions we all have to make for our own public health. Joe Biden is even keeping his travel ban. For every country ... except for Mexico.

All these sacrifices we have to make because of the 'rona. Yet tens of thousands of illegal immigrants are able to cross the border, shots or no shots, and go wherever they please. Americans are advised not to travel while non-American are free to go anywhere. Explain that shit. Logically explain it. I know the answer is "because Biden's a Democrat."

Axios says this is "unprecedented." No, this is exactly what everyone knew was going to happen. Joe Biden's entire border crisis isn't very precedented. It's what Biden and/or the people controlling Biden have always wanted.

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