Friday, July 16, 2021

'Treasonous, Un-American': Bill Burr Obliterates How Badly CNN Sucks at Life

'Treasonous, Un-American': Bill Burr Obliterates How Badly CNN Sucks at Life
Brodigan - July 16, 2021 at 01:27PM

Bill Burr is one of the best to ever do it. I know he hates it when political bloggers squeeze his bits for all the clicks we can get out of them. If I ever meet Burr, I'd be happy to apologize and buy him an ice cream. But when he rants about CNN and uses the words "treasonous" and "un-American," roll up my sleeve and inject it into my veins. The fun starts around fifteen minutes in.

And do you know what those f*cking morons are doing? They're f*cking talking about Trump. I swear to God. I cannot believe people watch that channel. They're so dumb. ...

They want [Trump] to come back, 'cause they got nothing to talk about, 'cause it's show business and Joe Biden is a f*cking bore!

I'd argue there is plenty to talk about. Anyone with functioning eye holes can see President Puddinghead decomposing before our very eyes. Or the way he has his cranky pants on whenever CNN reporters ask him a question. Those are the pants Biden hasn't pooped in. Yet.

They can't bitch about him because he's wearing a blue tie.

Okay, we're all on the same page WHY CNN isn't bitching about Biden. Right on.

So now what do they do? They're doing what they did the first time to get [Trump] guy elected by giving him all this free coverage while they act like they allegedly don't like him. ... They are a corporate news channel ... f*cking treasonous un-American pieces of shit, just like Fox News, MSNBC, just like all of them.

I wholeheartedly agree how much cable news sucks. Even though CNN and MSNBC are much worse. The more CNN you watch, the less informed you are. The network talks about Donald Trump so much its viewers probably think he's going to be reinstalled in August too.

It's not just the network. It's the amount of it you watch. In the olden days, people would watch thirty minutes of news, then go on leading productive lives. People today watch 6-7 hours a day AND complain about what they saw on social media AND complain about what they saw during those few times they talked to other humans. Trust me on this, being the political guy in the family, everyone assumes I'm the one who wants to talk to them.

If you want a healthy diet of media consumption, aim for ninety minutes a day. Sometime between 10:00 and 11:30 a.m. Eastern. And only on BlazeTV. After that, and after reading everything I have to say, turn off the news and get some fresh air.

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