Wednesday, July 21, 2021

'Tiger King, Doomsday Preppers:' Joe Biden's Gun Grabbing ATF Nominee Exposes His Hatred for Gun Owners

'Tiger King, Doomsday Preppers:' Joe Biden's Gun Grabbing ATF Nominee Exposes His Hatred for Gun Owners
Brodigan - July 21, 2021 at 01:55PM

Don't let Joe Biden's focus on taking away Americans' first amendment rights distract you. He still hates Americans having second amendment rights as well. If it's God-given, Biden feels all your rights belong to him. As long as his anti-gun activist ATF nominee David Chipman is still up for consideration, we need to stay vigilant and not get distracted. While still staying focused on all the other puddingbrained ideas Joe Biden has.

Thankfully with Chipman, besides being a gun-grabbing nincompoop, he's also a media whore. The interwebs are lousy with clips of Chipman saying if he had his druthers, gun owners would be on a list. A list of people that Chipman doesn't think very highly of. Here he is from April 2020. If you're a first-time gun owner, Chipman hates you.

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