Monday, July 26, 2021

Anthony Fauci Wines About People Criticizing Him, WaPo Reporter Hits Back Hard

Anthony Fauci Wines About People Criticizing Him, WaPo Reporter Hits Back Hard
Brodigan - July 26, 2021 at 08:50AM

Anthony Fauci has been a whiney little biyatch as of late. More so than usual. It started after the most recent time Rand Paul slapped him around. The Senator even accused Fauci of lying to Congress. Fauci isn't used to hearing people dare question his brilliance, but even mainstream media reporters are doing it. Well, mainstream media reporter. As in, single. Josh Rogin from Washington Post. We'll get to him in a second.

Fauci is doing what every other liberal does to avoid criticism. Create a strawman and set it ablaze. Fauci's strawman is that his critics are not just anti-science, they are attacking the integrity of the brave Chinese scientists.

Blah, blah, blah, I'm Anthony Fauci dammit! Science! Peer review! I trust the Chinese scientists with my life and how dare anyone to criticize them. Not to imply anything about the critics. But I thought we were supposed to stop Asian hate. Also, my critics are all anti-science. Also, you might want to make your kids wear two masks. Boom. Fauci out.

The problem isn't the Chinese scientists, and whether or not they purposely created the 'rona and unleashed it on the world. The problem is the Chinese Government demanding those scientists, IF they did something wrong, lie about it or face consequences. Anthony Fauci, who is allegedly smart, is either playing stupid or legitimately doesn't understand the criticism. Or as Rogin says, more naive than anyone thought.

Fauci is deflecting by attacking a straw man; nobody is saying the Chinese scientists are bad people. The fact is they can't tell the truth or their government will jail them or worse. If Fauci doesn't get that, he was even more naive about working in China than we thought.

You may remember Rogin from such mainstream media narrative busting tweets like this one.

Hey guys, Rand Paul was right and Fauci was wrong. The NIH was funding gain of function research in Wuhan but NIH pretended it didn't meet their "gain of function" definition to avoid their own oversight mechanism. SorryNotSorry if that doesn't fit your favorite narrative.

Even worse, it doesn't fit Anthony Fauci's favorite narrative. That Anthony Fauci is awesome and everyone loves him. If people start to get more critical of him, Pope Tony may order Facebook to start censoring the lab leak theory again.

It shouldn't be this difficult. A virus with origins from China wreaked havoc on the world. There is a credible theory that it came from a lab studying viruses. A lab with no accountability, and one that has received American taxpayer money (maybe) from Fauci's NIH. Whether or not the virus accidentally escaped the lab or it was intentional, EVERYONE should want to get to the bottom of that. What connection, if any, the NIH had to the specific virus in question is a question everyone should want to be answered as well. Yet whenever you say anything to Anthony Fauci other than how pretty he is, he gets snippy. He also avoids answering.

More reporters should be asking these questions. Unfortunately, they'd too busy telling Anthony Fauci how pretty he is.

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