Monday, July 19, 2021

New Marvel Comics Insanity: Captain America Would Have Been Pro-Communist in Vietnam

New Marvel Comics Insanity: Captain America Would Have Been Pro-Communist in Vietnam
Brodigan - July 19, 2021 at 08:56AM

Marvel Comics isn't done destroying Captain America yet. Having Cap denounce the American dream was bad. But it was only typical leftist Hollywood bad. In a new comic, we're going back to the 1970s. Captain America is turning against American soldiers and siding with the communists. Not even Chris Evans is this big a douchelord (though he does come close).

Dude. What in the actual f*ck?

The story takes place in something called Fantastic Four: Life Story #2. Marvel is retelling stories from the 1960s and the 1970s "through the lens of the era in which their comics debuted." According to Marvel Comics, in the '60s and '70s, the communists were the good guys. And Captain America not only freed communist prisoners, but he also attacked American soldiers in order to do so. No word on whether Captain America also fought to free American soldiers who were prisoners of war themselves. If we're reimagining reality to this extent, the comic book writers no doubt made Vietnamese POW camps to be like Club Med.

Captain America is clearly the new target of the left. The writers could just fap themselves on a copy of Marx's "Communist Manifesto." It would have the same effect. Stories like this are the comic book version of teaching school children they're racist.

I'm also curious who exactly the audience is for a book like this. It pisses off any core fans Marvel has left. Cheap publicity stunts don't change the fact that whatever comic book stores are left focus more on selling vintage crap. And the left still won't be attracted to Captain America. Not as long as he's still a cis white male wearing red, white, and blue.

That will be the next comic: Captain America denouncing the American Flag as racist.

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