Friday, July 23, 2021

Most Popular President Ever? Joe Biden's Unintelligible CNN Town Hall Was a Ratings DISASTER

Most Popular President Ever? Joe Biden's Unintelligible CNN Town Hall Was a Ratings DISASTER
Brodigan - July 23, 2021 at 08:32AM

Joe Biden is the most popular president of all time. He's gotten the most votes and everything. Logically speaking, if the most popular president of all time was giving a televised town hall meeting, Americans would want to tune in. You know, since Americans love Joe Biden so much. The words "logically" and "speaking" don't apply when it comes to Biden. His CNN town hall was a ratings disaster for the news entertainment network.

Via the Post Millennial:

  • 8 to 9:30 PM drew in 1.5 million viewers. MSNBC averaged 1.6 million and Fox News had 2.7 million.
  • From 8 to 11 PM CNN averaged 1.3 million viewers overall, compared to MSNBC at 1.6 million and Fox News at 2.3 million.

This means more people wanted to watch Fox News complain about Biden and MSNBC talk about how much they hate America than watch Joe Biden try to arrange words to form sentences. Then attempt to say those words out loud without pooping his pants. Both metaphorically and literally.

I get the instinct to laugh. I too like to revel in the misery of opponents. This gives us a twofer: Biden AND CNN. There's a problem though. While people were watching anything other than Joe Biden, they weren't hearing our president say he intended to go after certain handguns. They also missed him declare war on small businesses, a campaign that was validated later in the day by his White House. During the rare instances where our puddingheaded president was able to coherently speak — which granted was a rarity — he said things that should be concerning to ALL Americans.

It's funny to see CNN's ratings in the toilet. Knowing Brian Stelter is crying into his breakfast cheesecake because no one wants to watch him is cause for celebration. But we actually WANT people to watch Joe Biden live. It's the only way to make sure we know what he's really up to.

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