Saturday, July 24, 2021

Politifact Rushes to Joe Biden's  Defense, Claims He Didn't Say What He Said About Guns

Politifact Rushes to Joe Biden's  Defense, Claims He Didn't Say What He Said About Guns
Brodigan - July 24, 2021 at 02:43PM

There's a reason why I use scare quotes when I say "independent" "fact" checker. Because, in my opinion, anyone who refers to themselves as a fact-checker is actually a leftist hack. Case in point: Politifact. They ruled against the NRCC for sharing a video from Joe Biden's CNN town hall. Biden said all sorts of crazy things. At one point, he went on about aliens. Biden's bars about guns where said he was looking to eliminate, among other things, the 9mm pistol is why we're here. NOTE: a pistol is another word for a handgun.

Here's the NRCC tweet:

Here is the relevant text of what Biden. I'm copying and pasting this from Politifact's "fact" check of the tweet. The one that claims it is FALSE that Joe Biden wants to ban handguns. The bold parts are my doing.

The idea you need a weapon that can have the ability to fire 20, 30, 40, 50, 120 shots from that weapon, whether it's a 9-millimeter pistol or whether it's a rifle, is ridiculous," Biden said. "I'm continuing to push to eliminate the sale of those things.

In the "fact" check where Politifact calls it false that Biden wants to ban handguns, they write out the words Biden said where he wants to eliminate a very popular pistol. They then ignored that they did that in the next paragraph.

Those numbers Biden used apply to assault-style firearms and high-capacity magazines. As recently as June, when Biden rolled out his strategy to bring down murders, he said he wants to ban both.

K. The NRCC tweet wasn't about the magazines or assault-style boomsticks. It was about handguns, which Politifact admit Biden said he wanted to eliminate at least one of. Also, in the video the NRCC shared, you could hear Biden talking about those other things as well. They just didn't draw attention to them in the text of the tweet.

Then Politi"fact" mentions a few handguns that wouldn't fall under Joe Biden's ban. Because Joe Biden didn't say the words "I want to ban all handguns," Politi"fact" calls the NRCC tweet false. Even though, the NRCC doesn't say Biden wants to ban all handguns. They say he wants to ban handguns. Then shares a video of Joe Biden mentioning a specific handgun (or pistol) he wants to eliminate. It is Politifact's OPINION that the NRCC didn't include enough context in a 280 character tweet. But as long as the Politifact headline says "FACT CHECK FALSE," that's all people will pay attention to. Politifact knows this. Allegedly.

See how that works?

This isn't fact-checking. This is partisan spin. Or, at least, it is in my opinion.

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