Monday, July 19, 2021

Ben Shapiro Slaps Around Taxpayer-Funded NPR Accusing Daily Wire of 'Misinformation'

Ben Shapiro Slaps Around Taxpayer-Funded NPR Accusing Daily Wire of 'Misinformation'
Brodigan - July 19, 2021 at 10:12AM

The White House came out in full support of Big Tech companies deplatforming people over 'misinformation.' That was Friday. On Monday, taxpayer-funded NPR accused Ben Shapiro's the Daily Wire of 'misinformation.' Unamused and noticing what's really going on? Ben Shapiro.

The timing of the NPR piece couldn't be more perfect. Whether it was accidental or intentional that they gave away the left's game plan is unclear. The Biden administration came out and said Facebook needs to do better at ending what they call "medical" misinformation. Biden's surgeon general, at least, acknowledged it can be difficult to define what "misinformation" is. Joe Biden on the other hand accused Facebook of killing people.

Now we have NPR openly defining "misinformation" as stuff they don't like. This part is enlightening:

The articles The Daily Wire publishes don't normally include falsehoods (with some exceptions), and the site said it is committed to "truthful, accurate and ethical reporting." But as Settle explains...

Jaime Settle, director of the Social Networks and Political Psychology Lab at the College of William & Mary in Virginia. That is the "expert" NPR quotes in its piece. only covering specific stories that bolster the conservative agenda (such as negative stories about socialist countries and polarizing stories about race and sexuality issues) and only including certain facts, readers still come away from The Daily Wire's content with the impression that Republican politicians can do little wrong and cancel culture is among the nation's greatest threats.

Right. So they're the Huffington Post. Or Vox. Or the New York Times. or CNN. Or the Washington Post. Or MNSBC. Or NBC News. Or 98% of media outlets other than the Daily Wire. It's funny, but you never hear "experts" complaining about liberal or "mainstream" outlets doing the exact same thing.

The Daily Wire is "misinformation" because they report on things the left doesn't like. DW is "misinformation" because Facebook users may not know the Daily Wire has a right-wing bias even though the Daily Wire does nothing to hide its right-wing bias. And DW is "misinformation" because while what they say is factual, the left doesn't like the facts they choose. This is three days after Jen Psaki said, and I quote, "You shouldn't be banned from one platform and not others for providing 'misinformation' out there."

Shapiro sees what's going on here. Related, Shapiro isn't blind.

This piece is a master class in how the establishment media (in this case, publicly funded!) seek to label everything they don't like "misinformation," and then suppress it. They're coming for freedom of the press. And they're not hiding the ball.

The slope has been covered in Crisco and people are slipping all over the place. Joe Biden is using the "public health crisis" to call on one type of "misinformation" to be censored. The people who support and/or control Biden think anything they don't like is misinformation. They couldn't wait for more than 72 hours to go on the attack.

Conservatives better be ready. It's only getting worse.

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