Tuesday, July 27, 2021

CNN's 'Fact' Checker Saves the Day, Claims Joe Biden DID NOT Say 'My Butt's Been Wiped'

CNN's 'Fact' Checker Saves the Day, Claims Joe Biden DID NOT Say 'My Butt's Been Wiped'
Brodigan - July 27, 2021 at 12:45PM

Yesterday, the internet was taken over by the hashtag #MyButtsBeenWiped. It was in reference to Joe Biden, the most popular president ever, and whether he yelled at a reporter "my butt's been wiped." In case you missed it:

It sounds, to me, like he COULD HAVE said his butt's been wiped. I don't know WHY he would say his butt's been wiped. I wipe my own butt all the time and don't alert the media. And I could if I wanted to. I have my buddy Brandon at RedState on speed dial. But it was fun to pretend Joe Biden, our doddering, discombobulated, easily confused president told reporters that someone not only wiped his butt but did such a swell job that Biden wanted to tell the world.

Fun's over. CNN's resident "fact" checker Daniel Dale analyzed the audio and reports that Joe Biden did NOT say "my butt's been wiped." According to Dale (who think you're all idiots), Biden said "What must be what?"

He even included the audio. Now, not to get into a blue dress/gold dress or Laurel/Yanny thing, but it sure as heck doesn't sound like he said, "What must be what?" The voice inflection is all wrong. Say "what must be what" out loud to yourself. Then play what Biden said. Definitely not "what must be what?"

Far be it from me to EVER question someone who calls themselves a "fact" checker. They wouldn't be able to call themselves a "fact" checker if they didn't in fact check "fact." Definitely not for a bastion of integrity like CNN. But I don't know who sent Dale those audio files. Maybe those people had a reason to protect Biden from mockery.

That was all people on the right were doing. Having fun at Joe Biden's expense and treating him with the same respect Daniel Dale and CNN always treated Donald Trump. It's good to laugh a little. If Daniel Dale laughed more, he would look like he does.

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