Saturday, July 17, 2021

VIDEO: Crowder embraced his inner SJW and learned about pronouns

VIDEO: Crowder embraced his inner SJW and learned about pronouns
Tarah Price - July 16, 2021 at 05:12PM

Steven Crowder learned of his "improper" use of pronouns and set out on a mission for redemption.

In this classic sketch, Crowder embraced his inner Social Justice Warrior for a day and followed the following rules:

  1. Never assume someone's gender or pronouns.
  2. Always ask. Don't assume.
  3. If you are unsure about someone's pronoun, pull them aside and ask for their pronouns.

Watch Crowder apply the pronoun rules in everyday life and confuse the heck out of some people. Can't watch? Download the podcast here.

from Steven Crowder Says