Monday, July 19, 2021

Parents Win! Biden Admin Backs Down From Requiring CRT for Federal Education Grants

Parents Win! Biden Admin Backs Down From Requiring CRT for Federal Education Grants
Brodigan - July 19, 2021 at 07:46PM

Parents have been speaking out throughout the country in defense of their children. This diverse group of parents took issue with their kids being taught that everything is racist. Or in some instances, that their kids were racist themselves. It was the cornerstone of the Biden Administrations' education agenda. Well, that pushback worked! The Biden Admin is backing down from their original plans and while it's a little victory for parents, it's still a victory.

According to the Washington Times, Biden's Education Secretary Miguel Cardona will no longer require schools teach CRT and things like the 1619 Project in order to receive federal grants. That was originally the case. But in a recent blog post, Cardona said the program "has not, does not, and will not dictate or recommend specific curriculum be introduced or taught in classrooms."

The 1619 Project is the questionable and historically inaccurate theory that our nation was actually founded in 1619. And that the American experience is based on slavery and racism. Though, it did win a Pulitzer Prize. That's a nice way of saying that, while factually challenged, it validated radical leftists and their feelings. Here's your trophy.

Advocacy group Parents Defending Education points to the over 33,000 public comments that were submitted to the Department of Education. Most of them were in vocal opposition. Rep. Virginia Foxx, the top Republican on the House education committee, puts this small victory squarely on the shoulders of concerned parents. Rep. Foxx says the DOE "changed its approach to grant funding because parents, students, and Republican leaders stood up in defense of our nation's history and legacy." Adding:

"While I am doubtful that Secretary Cardona plans to abandon the administration's crusade to push Critical Race Theory in our public schools, I applaud the move not to give overt preferential treatment to federal grant applicants seeking to advance anti-American agendas.

It's a small win. Joe Biden has made it clear his agenda is based on finding new ways to call anyone who disagrees with him raaaaaaacist. But a small win is still a win. It's easy to get cynical and feel that your voice doesn't matter. We need to acknowledge and celebrate those times our voices DO matter. It's a way to remind us to keep using them.

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