Friday, July 30, 2021

Uh-oh! SNL's Michael Che Triggered the Internet with Simone Biles Jokes ... That Weren't His

Uh-oh! SNL's Michael Che Triggered the Internet with Simone Biles Jokes ... That Weren't His
Brodigan - July 30, 2021 at 08:36AM

Cancel culture is coming for SNL's Michael Che because he said he wanted to make jokes about Simone Biles. You and I of course know that the gymnastics GOAT Olympian is beyond all criticism. Even reasonable, well thought-out criticism. Oh, if you missed it this week, Biles dropped out of Olympic competition to deal with mental issues. I shouldn't have assumed you knew that. Maybe your internet has been out all week.

Che made the "jokes" via Instagram stories that a snitch was kind enough to screenshot.

Man, I wanna make fun of Simone Biles. I got like 3 mins of Simone Biles jokes in my head. I'm going to the [Comedy] Cellar tonight to say them into a microphone. As the dorky kids say, I'm choosing violence.

I'm fairly certain that WAS his joke about Biles. The joke was that you can't make jokes about her, or that you realize how those jokes will be received. If anything, it was a joke about outrage. That he then received by sharing OTHER PEOPLE'S TASTELESS JOKES that slid into his DM's.

"Larry Nasser understands Simone Biles better than anyone. He too had to quit doing what he love at the pinnacle of his career because of mounting pressure."

"Who said black don't crack?"

I won't lie. That last one made me laugh out loud. Okay, they both did.

The blue-check brigade on the internet did not laugh out loud. They tagged SNL and HBO in their shaky fisty tweets demanding Che be fired for sharing other people's jokes. Che saw the outrage and responded it with a now-deleted Instagram post about the things he's allowed to joke about.

I got hacked today. Y'all know I only do jokes about whites and cops.

I said his now-deleted post because he deleted all the posts on his Instagram page. The jury is still out if we're going to get the sobbing apology to those who he offended. It's clear he knew what he was doing. He was making a joke about not being allowed to make a joke. He knew people were going to get triggered. That was the joke. I hope he sticks by it. Also, the two guys who slid into his DMs should consider an open mic night. That was solid material.

The main question is if respect comedy critic Robin DiAngelo thinks Michael Che is a white supremacist over his joke about joking about Simone Giles. Someone get her on a podcast.

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