Friday, July 23, 2021

Joe Biden Rants Over 'Defund the Police' and 'Sucking the Blood of Kids,' and I Have Questions

Joe Biden Rants Over 'Defund the Police' and 'Sucking the Blood of Kids,' and I Have Questions
Brodigan - July 23, 2021 at 09:54AM

Joe Biden has a short fuse. Some old people be like that. His fuse is really short when it comes to reporters asking him questions. Maybe he feels once the White House leaves the money on the nightstand, reporters should leave him alone. Those who ask him questions anyway catch Biden's vapors. Both from his both from his mouth as well as the smell coming out of his underpants.

The White House realllllllly wants you to believe that there aren't Democrats who want to defund the police. I don't think Biden's answer here is the dunk he thinks it is.

REPORTER: Are there people in the Democratic Party who want to defund the police?

RANDOM OLD DUDE: Are there people in the Republican Party who think we're sucking the blood out of kids?

Biden used the line at his disastrous CNN Town Hall meeting, so obviously, he thinks it's a keeper. It's one of the more idiotic things a certain conspiracy-minded group believes. Sing the alphabet song. Pause after the letter "P" and before the letter "R".

Now, theoretically, are there some people who are registered Republicans that believe something so stupid? Sure, I guess. But the problem with "Defund the Police" was that actual Democrat elected officials campaign on defunding the police. Can Biden name any sitting Republican elected officials who think he's having a literal bloody Mary before bed every night? Because I can name at least five anti-cop Democrats.

  • Rep. AOC: "Defund the police means defund the police."
  • Rep. Omar: "We need to completely dismantle the Minneapolis police department."
  • Rep. Bush: "Defending the police isn't radical. It's real.
  • Rep. Tlaib: "Policing in this country is inherently and intentionally racist ... no more policing."
  • Rep. Pressley: "From slave patrols to traffic stops. We can't reform this.

Yet, someone in the White House thinks the blood-sucking line is the cat's pajamas. If I were to guess the same nincompoops who thought declaring war on small businesses was a good idea.

I'm the last person to be giving Joe Biden advice. If Biden's settled on this blood-sucking messaging, I'm happy to promote it every time the words come out of his mouth. If it were me though, I'd want to rethink things. Then I'd blacklist whoever's stupid-ass idea this was.

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