Friday, July 16, 2021

Hidden Student Video Exposes Teacher Attempting to Indoctrinate Classroom with Her 'Critical Theories'

Hidden Student Video Exposes Teacher Attempting to Indoctrinate Classroom with Her 'Critical Theories'
Brodigan - July 16, 2021 at 09:39AM

It stinks that students are forced to be on the front lines like this. But it's either hidden videos like this or put bodycams on teachers. The easier option would be for teachers to stop trying to indoctrinate students with a political agenda. But as long as the left and the media (but I repeat myself) keep lying about this not happening, this is what we have.

Standard viral video disclaimers. Time and location are unknown, though it appears to be Texas. Allow for the chance of missing context. Also, remember that for every incident like this caught on video, there are about 100 that weren't. It's not like Texas teachers aren't already exposing themselves on TikTok.

Can we say white has power over black, please? We don't even have to pretend that it was during slavery times. Because if we were really just saying during slavery times, we wouldn't have mass riots even happening today.

All this time I was under the impression they were peaceful protests and NOT riots. I think the teacher may have just gotten herself canceled.

She also says she's having a hard time reading her class. Maybe it was an algebra class and the students were confused whether or not George Floyd was going to be on the test.

When I say the critical theories is where things get real ...

I'm trying to stretch your brains in some uncomfortable ways.

Not your job, lady. The reason why such a diverse group of parents is showing up at school board meetings is because of teachers like this. They think it's their higher calling to make sure students agree with their every political opinion. As opposed to TEACHING. The job our exorbitant school taxes pay for. The fact that these self-professed "heroes" are dividing students more than they were already divided and causing them to feel more isolated from their peers? Meh. Don't blame the teachers. Blame the parents and Fox News. Or both.

It's up to the students to record these moments so that they get exposed to the world. It stinks that they have to. But it's the left's fault that they have to.

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