Saturday, July 17, 2021

Joe Biden Yells at Clouds, Claims Facebook is Killing People

Joe Biden Yells at Clouds, Claims Facebook is Killing People
Brodigan - July 17, 2021 at 07:43AM

Joe Biden has a free speech problem. His problem is that Americans have free speech. The American people are allowed to publically disagree with our government and it interferes with his party's political agenda. In this specific instance, the issue is a personal medical decision our government demands us make for ourselves. You know the one. Rhymes with "Maxine." I'll circle back to that in a bit.

Over the past week, the Biden administration has called on Big Tech companies to do a better job punishing people who spread what they deem is "misinformation." On top of that, the Biden administration has issued its full support of people being deplatformed FROM EVERY PLATFORM. On top of that, here's Joe Biden claiming Facebook is killing people. Yes, killing people. It's all Facebook's fault.

This isn't hyperbole. This isn't malarky. Facebook is killing people. Literally killing people literally. With their bare hands.

Facebook responded by pointing out the billions of people who have gotten their shots because of information found on Facebook. That was the on-the-record response. Off the record, they were a lot saucier.

The White House is looking for scapegoats for missing their vaccine goals.

Facebook is right. Writing those words caused me to throw up in my mouth a little bit. It proves we're living in upside-down times to have to say this out loud. But in this ONE specific example of Biden vs Facebook, where only one can be correct in their comments, it's Facebook.

There's a reason that I said "Maxine" before and not the v-word it rhymes with. Saying the v-word would cause this post to be throttled and tagged with a link to get more information about v-words. Memes get tagged. If I make a joke about v-words on Twitter and share a screen capture of that joke on Facebook or Instagram, that screen capture would get tagged with a link "for more information." The "more information" is based on what Facebook is told by the CDC. The CDC is a government organization. It's part of the government that Joe Biden runs.

Anytime you write about anything v-word or v-word adjacent, Facebook sends you the information Joe Biden wants you to have. Anytime you share data that contradicts what's been approved by a government agency, Facebook sends you to the data approved by Joe Biden's government. If people still aren't listening, it's not the fault of Facebook.

People have the information available to them. They're still choosing not to get their Maxine. Maybe they have legit medical concerns for not doing so. Maybe they aren't as enamored by Anthony Fauci as his fangirls at CNN and MSNBC are. It's their body, their choice. Joe Biden hates that they're making a choice he disagrees with. His response is to deplatform anyone who disagrees with him out loud.

THAT is scarier than anything pandemic-related.

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