Thursday, July 22, 2021

Joe Biden Announces Push to Eliminate Handguns, NOT Just 'Assault' Rifles

Joe Biden Announces Push to Eliminate Handguns, NOT Just 'Assault' Rifles
Brodigan - July 22, 2021 at 07:47AM

A wise man once said you shouldn't let yourself get distracted by Joe Biden coming after our First Amendment rights. Eventually, he'll circle back to coming after our Second Amendment rights too. That man was me, and it was yesterday. Okay, "wise" is a bit of a stretch. But I did advise us not to forget how much this assclown hates the Second Amendment. Later that night, he told CNN he intends to eliminate handguns.

No, not just "assault" rifles. Handguns too.

I'm the only guy that ever got — passed legislation when I was a senator to make sure we eliminated assault weapons.

Which aren't an actual thing. But I know that you know that.

The idea you need a weapon that can have the ability to fire 20, 30, 40, 50, 120 shots from that weapon, whether it's a, whether it's a 9mm pistol or whether it's a rifle, is ridiculous.

A 9mm pistol is a handgun. You can debate over how many rounds or shots a weapon can hold. You'd be a chucklehead that doesn't understand how guns work. But you can no longer say it's only about eliminating assault "rifles." Biden wants to eliminate certain handguns too.

I'm continuing to push to eliminate the sale of those things ...

Here's a handgun for you to eliminate.

It almost makes you miss when Democrats had the decency to lie to you about it. You knew they were lying and that they weren't going to "only" come after "assault" "weapons of war." But occasionally you could let yourself get lost in the lie and not weep for our Republic. Now we have a puddinghead in the White House who doesn't think our God-given rights are absolute and who put a guy in charge who straight-up says he's coming for our guns. Even when Biden says that people who are concerned about our gun rights have nothing to be concerned about, he makes the case WHY Americans need to be concerned.

You can't claim you're only coming after "weapons of war" when the president of the United States says he wants to eliminate a 9mm. That lie is over and done with. Leftists are going to have to come up with something else. Or not bother coming up with something else. The people who run Biden have dropped all pretense.

When people use the expression "stay vigilant," this is what they're talking about. There is no more telling gun-rights advocates we're being "paranoid" about the government. The government just went on cable news and validated that "paranoia." The next few years just became more crucial.

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from Steven Crowder Says