Friday, July 30, 2021

Dan Crenshaw Exposes Flaws in the One Study CDC Used for New Mask Guidelines

Dan Crenshaw Exposes Flaws in the One Study CDC Used for New Mask Guidelines
Brodigan - July 30, 2021 at 01:31PM

Rep. Dan Crenshaw is speaking out about the CDC's new mask mandates. You may have noticed the left crying about it on Twitter. But Crenshaw brings up a specific reason why. The study the CDC used to "recommend" v*cc*nated people mask up again is flawed in a number of ways.

You're most likely reading this on Facebook and, well, you know. I'm merely reporting what a congressman said out loud to the media. Then, I'm going to quote a journalistic source with more details. Then, I'm going to leave you to draw your own conclusions. Just know that, as usual, yes, I am thinking what you think I'm thinking.

It turns out they are citing a single study from India. That study, by the way, is assessing a vaccine that isn't approved in the U.S. it's assessing the AstraZeneca vaccine. We dug a little further, and it turns out that that study was also rejected in peer review. They changed the status of rejection to revise the day of the CDC's announcement. This is extremely suspicious, so you've got a single study, not from our country, not with a vaccine that we even use.

The Washington Examiner provides more details:

- The CDC said that the study monitored medical professionals who had been vaccinated "with vaccines not authorized for use in the United States," yet did not note the study's small sample size of 100 participants.

- The CDC also failed to disclose that the study has not been accredited through the peer review process ... and that it "should not be interpreted as an endorsement of its validity or suitability for dissemination as established information or for guiding clinical practice."

Rep. Crenshaw made these comments on Thursday, when there was only one study available. On Friday, the CDC released a second study concerning a bunch of people partying on Cape Cod. There were 882 infections. Almost three-fourths were fully vaccinated. Less than 1% were hospitalized. No deaths. And because of THAT study, the CDC released its new guidelines to mask up, that Joe Biden says we can't question.

The CDC is the government agency that "recommends" what local governments turn into mandates. Also, if the CDC didn't say it, Facebook considers it misinformation.

I will leave you to let your brains encode and process the information you just read. At which point I'll assume we both agree with each other.

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