Monday, July 26, 2021

Analysis: Did a Confused Joe Biden Yell at Reporters — and I Quote — 'My Butt's Been Wiped'?

Analysis: Did a Confused Joe Biden Yell at Reporters — and I Quote — 'My Butt's Been Wiped'?
Brodigan - July 26, 2021 at 06:40AM

People are waking up this morning to hashtag #MyButtsBeenWiped as a top ten trend on Twitter. If you were to guess that it involved Joe Biden, congratulations on coming to the same obvious conclusion I did! A clip of Joe Biden allegedly yelling "My butt's been wiped" at reporters has been working its way around the interwebs.

It sounds like he says "my butt's been wiped." If this had been Donald Trump, that would be the end of the story for the mainstream media. If this had been Trump, the media would report Trump said "very fine people" wiped his butt. To be fair, IF it were Trump, he would only have the best people wiping his butt for him.

But this is Joe Biden. He needs to be protected from criticism and himself at all times. Here's the extended footage.

He could very well just have had his butt wiped. Joe Biden is old. Continence is one of the first things to go. I'm not saying the most popular president ever poops his pants on the regular. But he could have had a fart that fooled him. He could have been insecure the press corps might blame the smell on him. Biden as he was walking to the stakeout kept telling himself "don't talk about the smell." So of course he blurts out "my butt's been wiped." It's a distinct possibility.

It's not unreasonable for Americans to believe our easily confused president would say something such as this. Biden gets confused a lot. Like, a lot a lot. More than the leader of the free world should ever get confused. Biden also lashes out at the press. Don't blame us for thinking Biden said "my butt's been wiped." Blame the people who voted for him.

While it's still unintelligible what he said, he may have been making fun of how it sounds when reporters yell at him. He still got "immigration" and "reconciliation" confused. Also, giving non-Americans money in an already budget-busting, bitterly partisan budget is troubling. As is everything else this White House does.

But as far as if Joe Biden yelled at reporters "my butt's been wiped," we'll call it inconclusive.

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