Wednesday, July 21, 2021

ENDGAME: Rand Paul Wants Criminal Investigation Into Anthony Fauci, Explains Why

ENDGAME: Rand Paul Wants Criminal Investigation Into Anthony Fauci, Explains Why
Brodigan - July 21, 2021 at 07:53AM

Tuesday was a rough day for Anthony Fauci. The media's favorite government bureaucrat should have spent the day on CNN telling Americans to mask up their three-year-old. Instead, he tangled with Rand Paul again. He got slapped around by Rand Paul again. And in the process, may have lied under oath. At least, that's what Senator Paul is claiming.

Paul appeared on Hannity and said he will be asking the Department of Justice for a criminal referral because, according to Sen. Paul, Dr. Fauci lied to congress.

We have scientists that will line up by the dozens to say that the research he was funding was gain-of-function. He's doing this because he has a self interest to cover his tracks and to cover his connection to Wuhan lab. Now does he deserve all the blame? No, there's still some conjecture as to whether or not it came from the lab. But he's lying about whether or not he funded gain-of-function research, and yes, he should be punished.

Gain of Function research, in its simplest definition, is when you take a disease and make it worse for sciencey reasons. It could be to aid in medical discoveries. It could be to create bioweapons. Whether or not it's what caused the 'rona is open for debate. That's what Senator Paul is trying to get to the bottom of.

Whether or not Fauci "lied" depends on how you define "lie." It also depends on how you define "gain of function." In a previous hearing where Rand slapped around Fauci, Fauci claimed the NIH funded Gain of Function research. Fauci said they did not. On Tuesday, Rand let Fauci clarify his statement asking: "You take an animal virus, and you increase its transmissibility to humans, you're saying that's not gain of function?"

Fauci said it's not "Gain of Function." Then Fauci got snippy at the senator because how dare Rand Paul question Fauci who is literally "the science." Here's the rub. Even mainstream media reporters are admitting that, while not calling Fauci a liar, Rand Paul isn't wrong.

Rand Paul was right and Fauci was wrong. The NIH was funding gain of function research in Wuhan but NIH pretended it didn't meet their "gain of function" definition to avoid their own oversight mechanism.

I'm out of tinfoil to shape into a trucker cap, so I'll just call that "problematic" at the very least. IF the NIH (led by Fauci) changing definitions led to them funding research that led to a global pandemic, all Americans should demand answers. In a perfect world, the Department of Justice would do just that. Sadly this is Joe Biden's DOJ, and they're too busy calling people racist.

Politics being what it is and the Fauci-worship media being what they are, Senator Paul's call for an investigation will probably not go anywhere. That doesn't mean Sen. Paul SHOULDN'T push for more answers. We the American people deserve them. i for one am thankful that Rand Paul isn't backing down.

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